Welcome to Area-51, I hope you enjoy this web site. The topics dealt with here are the base Area-51 itself, UFO\Alien lifeforms, updates and images available to all. At the end of this home page, we will show you WWW links to some other good sites. Also, this is the home of the UFO Channel on IRC, check it out! This is the second update of the page so far. I've decided to split up the page into these sections: #UFO page, Viewing Area-51 and NASA\Space Exploration. So, hope you like the changes, I'm letting people write articles in and whatever. Later! Mr. Goodbytes tscholl@interaccess.com
This is where Area-51 breaks off into sections, the #UFO Area which deals with what is happening in #UFO. Viewing Area-51 with first hand reports from Cammodude! Finally the space exploration, this contains information on things going on with NASA, and the exploration of space.
Updated: 10/1/95 7:20:00 PM - Jet